Support Bridget

BFgroupYou can help Bridget Fox achieve a history victory in Islington South & Finsbury. Bridget has a record of standing up for our local community and needs fewer than 500 extra votes to become our next MP.

Bridget is picking up support from people across our area. People are angry with Gordon Brown and let down by a Labour Government that just isn’t listening. And they know the Conservatives can’t win here. Join Bridget’s team and help bring real change to Islington.

Can you deliver the Liberal Democrats’ newsletter in your part of Islington? Or perhaps you could help talk to other local residents, either on the doorstep or over the phone. You don’t need to give up lots of free time – just a couple of hours here and there makes a real difference!

To find out more or to join the volunteer team, please email the local team.

If you want to see real change for Islington, please consider becoming a member of the Liberal Democrats. You can join online right now. You can also donate to help the Liberal Democrat campaign.